Thursday, 24 March 2011

One Step Further

So I came out to a friend of mine today!!!! Jamin's the sort of guy who turns everything into a euphemism, so it was kinda easier than I imagined. I didn't tell him to keep quiet about it or anything, so I'm fully expecting word to spread sooner or later.

Basically, my exchange-partner's mum gave me a nicely decorated hard-boiled egg for lunch (it's a tradition in Germany to decorate hard-boiled eggs for easter). He asked exactly what it was and I told him "it's a hard-boiled egg that's been decorated." Somehow (god knows how, but he managed it...) he managed to turn that into a euphemism and blurted out "some people have fetishes for decorated eggs." I didn't know this (and I doubt it's true, but the world can be surprising) but agreed with him and added on "I'm one of those people. Except for the decorated part. I just like eggs." By now it was obvious that we were talking about bollocks rather than eggs.... *rolleyes* and he basically said "So is this your way of coming out, through food??" I said yes.

So that was that.

I still wasn't sure if he thought I was joking or not, so we managed to get onto the topic again later. He replied "screaming homosexual?" to a comment I made (I can't remember what) but either way, I replied, "No, Jamin. I'm just gay, not screaming."

"Yet," he replies.
"No, I've been gay for a long time."

There was a bit of an awkward pause - I think that's when it finally hit him that I wasn't joking about being gay and liking 'eggs'.

"No, I meant the screaming bit."

And then it kinda trailed off.

I've been much more open about it recently - I said that I was going to text my partner's mum to say I'm leaving and he and the other girl we were with both said "ooh" as if to suggest something. I simply said "Jamin, you know what I'm going to say next." And he just looked at me and said "she's a woman". I replied "there's that. There's also the fact that she's x years older than me...." *lots of laughter at this time*

So perhaps I came out to two people. Definately one. But it's still a step forward!! :D

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Hello again.

Wow I kinda let this die down, didn't I.................

I guess that's mainly because nothing much has actually happened. OK, since I last posted, we've moved house, I'm on a Work Experience exchange in Germany, I've missed comic relief and Christopher and his Kind (so no spoiling me in the comments!) and got drunk on Friday......... but you want the juicy details about who's fucking/sleeping with/dating/etc who. And I don't have any of that. I'm still no further with coming out, or finding a boyfriend, for that matter..... but I'm not expecting things to happen in one go. Maybe I was just being depressed last time (although Mum's still annoying me, but not quite as majorly as before).....

Once anything happens, I'll remember to post it - I think I'm getting closer to coming out - I've been dropping a number of hints lately, but some people are just too thick to pick up on them and ask "Liam - are you gay?". :/
