Wednesday 4 May 2011

This is just too surreal for words.

Everything seems to have happened at the speed of light recently, and I've totally forgotten about this cyber diary I find myself keeping. Since my last post, I no longer find myself single, but finally in a relationship (with the guy who beat me to Head Boy, funnily enough), yet still hardly any closer to officially coming out of the closet.

What do I call my new boyfriend?? I think I'll settle for Will... As it sounds a little bit like willy and one very famous will got married over the weekend (three guesses who).

I never used to like him. We mucked around with each other once or twice when we were younger, but nothing serious - and everytime we did, he wouldn't talk to me for ages afterwards. He'd be really rude to me... Maybe because he knew that we were both gay and competing against each other to getting a boyfriend first. So we're probably both as surprised as each other that we're going out eith each other.

I first realised I liked him in that sort of way maybe the middle of November, just before I set this blog up. I didn't think he liked me too. Well, who's to say he doesn't?? I asked him out - albeit after he started flirting with me on Facebook. He said he was lonely and tired of being single, and I just consoled him.... It was obvious (I think) that he wanted me to ask him out, but he didn't have the courage to do so with me. But I asked him if he wanted to go out for a drink at somepoint, he said yes and now I'm waiting to set the date. This was in Easter Sunday.

Sorry, hang on - *shifts cat off of keyboard* - much better I can see you now. Where was I? Oh yeah.

The day I asked him, I was probably blinded by adrenaline... I felt so excited that I had the courage to ask a guy out - to have him accept was just a bonus I wasn't expecting. But now it's worn off... I'm not sure about it anymore. I mean, I like him, but it's more of a "I like you as a friend" sort of like, rather than a fancy-the-pants-off-of like. I'm not sure I love him. My heart belongs to someone else... And sadly he's straight. You know who I'm on about, I don't need to say it.

Mum's been annoyingly embarrassing again lately. She thinks she has to comment on everything, just because she seems to love the sound of her own voice. She just will not shut up! She drives me mad... I still haven't told her that I'm not planning to move back to Germany eith her. In fact; me and my brother have decided that once I've finished school, we're goingto flatshare. She doesn't know about that yet either.

I'm scarred I'm losing contact with her. With every day that passes, I feel I have to get out of her hair. I look forward to the days when she's away on business - peace and quiet, with nobody dictating my life or telling me what to do, except for a daily 15 minute phone call that I dont really need to listen to. I'm ready to move out, I think..... Just not sure if she's ready to be completely alone...


  1. Woo! Congrats on boyfriend! Have you gone public about it? But not so great that you're not sure how you feel about him, perhaps after you've been going out for a while he'll grow on you, I hope so. If not, best not drag it on.
    Good luck with your mum, but It's might be best to tell her that you're considering moving so she has time to let it sink in.
    However, only you know your life and what you should do so don't take my advice too seriously :) Good luck with whatever you do and I hope you and Will work out! x

  2. Thanks :) We haven't gone public yet... so far only three 'real' people know (that sounds rude, doesn't it. Sorry. I meant three people that I know), and that's me, Will, and my 'brother' >.< I'd rather wait until we've had our date and see how that goes. No point going public if it all falls to pieces moments later!

    I've kinda hinted to her that I'm not going to Germany with her, as she has it planned out in her head. But she doesn't want to hear me say that, so she won't listen. :'(

    And I have no idea about anything to do with my life. It never does as I tell it too, the inconsiderate bastardly thing.

  3. Don't worry, I'm not offended :) Yeah, people don't need to know everything.
    Well perhaps your mum is one of those people who only acknowledge that something is real when it's happening. Stay strong and do what's best for you.
    And if life always went as you planned, it'd be pretty damn boring :) x
