Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Oboe, bassoon, oboe, bassoon, oboe, bassoon............. GAH I can't make my mind up!!!

OK, so I've been thinking about this whole second instrument lark. I love the Oboe, I really do. And the Bassoon doesn't sound bad either. But Bassoonists are rarer, and are more likely to get me a place at University.... so surely it's a no brainer? Surely I should do the instrument that's going to get me the place, and *then* take up the other as a third instrument?

Hmm... inconsequent ramblings.

Either way, I'm hopefully finally taking my grade 5 theory some time next month, if I pass the mock. Which I should do, since the stuff I'm doing at IB level is grade 6 Theory. I'm also finally working towards a grade (6), and once I've gone past that, it'll be Grade 8 Piano, and Grade something in whatever instrument I choose to take up for University... and hopefully I'll get that to at least Grade 6 by the end of my gap year, as well as getting my Piano Diploma under my belt....

What do you think? I know there must be SOMEONE reading this... please comment and suggest stuff?

(By the way, the word hasn't yet spread about my coming out on Friday, so I guess I'll have to do it all over again when the opportunity arises :/)

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