First day back at school
There was an opportunity to come out first thing today... but it was too daunting. It would've been in front of my form and another Sixth Form form which is full of people I don't know, so it wasn't ideal. I'd rather it be just to my friends at first, and if they decide to tell people I'm gay, then I don't mind... I just need to tell them it first. :/
I should really have weighed myself first thing as well, but forgot. I want to lose weight, and the only way of knowing if I've succeeded, is if I weigh myself every week and notice a downward trend. Well, judging my the amount I've eaten so far this year, it's not looking good. I think I've put the weight I want to lose on, about 5 times over...
I'm not really sure what to write, right now. I've been full of inconsequent ramblings over the holidays, and let it all out on here that I now genuinely don't have a clue what to talk about. Still haven't decided which instrument I want to learn. Nor have I gone any further with actually applying to sit my Grade 5 Theory and Grade 6 Piano exams. Although, it's probably a good idea to learn the songs before I apply to take the exams, and for that I need the sheet music. And for that, I need money. And for that, I need a job. And when you do the IB, it's impossible to do a job at the same time (unless it's a job that pays you to sit behind a desk and do school work, which, as far as I am aware, doesn't exist.)
Actually, forget what I just wrote about not knowing what to write (that sentence really made sense, didn't it....) I need to complain about my dad's Christmas present to me.... it was a weird book that he knows I'm never going to read cos it's not my type of book. I'm not even going to bother asking him where he got the money from to buy it, since he's (apparently) been living off of unemployment and incapacity benefits for the last five years, has no income, and has his parents pay his rent for the flat below theirs (and he doesn't even go and visit them, even though his Mum has terminal Leukaemia). He's probably stolen it from some poor sod. Maybe his parents, it wouldn't surprise me. He's stolen over £300 from me before, but I have no way of proving it. In any case, I find it hard to believe that he's constantly complaining about having no money to spare, not a penny, yet every time I see him he can magic a £20 note into my hand/buy me some stupid and useless present I'm never going to use cos it's for a three year old. If that doesn't send theft-alarm bells ringing, I don't know what does....
Anyway, I'm tired, and I have a long day at school tomorrow, with probably more homework I forgot/surprise tests or something unpleasent like that to start the New Year off with....
And there was me thinking 2011 was going to be nice to me. :/
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