Monday, 10 January 2011


So, after coming out to Lisa, India and Akiko on Friday, I suddenly feel really nervous about going to school tomorrow (or today, since I am writing this at an absurd hour of the night and its gone midnight...) I keep wondering if the word has spread, if they've told anyone... And who they've told. Lisa's a bit of a loudmouth, and it wouldn't surprise me if she said something to someone who goes and blabs. Which is fine by me, I want people to know, but I guess it's just a question of who tells who that I'm worried about. I can think of a fair few people who would jump at an opportunity to mock me and take the piss out of me for who I am....

Oh well, we'll see later. Doubt I'll get any sleep anyway, I have two cats who insist in sharing the bed with me lol :p

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