My New Years Resolutions

2012 New Years Resolutions
  1. Get a boyfriend with whom I can have a long-term relationship.
  2. At least start looking for a job (after the end of exams), and hopefully get one too.
  3. Lose weight.
  4. Be more of an extrovert, particularly when drunk.
  5. Make an effort to dress up at 'fancy dress' parties.
  6. Pass the IB. If that's physically possible is a different question.
  7. Keep as many of these resolutions as possible.

I always boast about never making New Years Resolutions, but secretly I always do.... I don't always stick to them (some of them I have no control over), but this year may be a first!

So, for 2011, I will:

  1. Lose weight (enough for me to fit into clothes that I like)
  2. Take up a sport of sorts
  3. Come out to everyone
  4. Get a boyfriend
  5. Actually maintain this diary, and not let it fall away and gather Cyber-dust, as many previous diaries have done in the past
Maybe I'll think of some more between now and next New Year... ;)