Name: Liam
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Orientation: Gay
Relationship status: Single 
Occupation: Student (I study the IB)
Occupation: Student (I study the IB)
Where shall I start....?
OK, let's start with a bit of background info. I'm half German on my Mum's side, and speak it fluently. I spend practically all of my school holidays in Germany, and I used to really enjoy coming here. I used to love it. And I still do, to an extent. But I've recently realised that I have only one friend here, and he's more or less impossible to go and visit, even though he only lives about half an hour from where my family live. That might sound weird, and I s'pose it is. The thing that bugs me is the constant having to ask people for a lift to the station. The place we stay is so bloody remote... there's nothing to do there! I don't have a driving license yet, so I can't drive down and see him either. So I'm always stuck in the same four walls when I go to Germany with my family.
I've been to Germany with friends and on school exchanges, and they're usually to big cities, like Frankfurt, and I love that. I'm a city-boy at heart, really. I like the buzz of other people around me. I like the freedom you have when you're out with friends and you don't have to worry about being somewhere to catch your lift home - there's always another train you can catch, there's always a Taxi you can flag down. I love cities. They're awesome. I like the independence you have in a city.
I came out as gay to my parents about five years ago, after I was being bullied on the bus because everybody thought I was gay. I'd known I was gay for about a year by that time. Mum was totally fine with it, as I expected her to be. But the other parent (I will not call him 'Dad') refused to accept it, and he tried scaring me into being straight. He'd tell me that I'd die young at 24 because of HIV/AIDS. I know that's a big risk of being gay, but HIV/AIDS isn't only in gay men. It's in straight men as well. You're just as likely to get it if your a bloke from having sex with a girl as you are with a guy. And you can get it from sharing needles/unsterilised needles and so on. Shame I only found that out after he sent my hormones mad....
Either way, in April 2009, Mum finally kicked him out, and is filing for divorce in April this year on grounds of separation, and then I don't have to have anything to do with that arsehole (not that I have much to do with him now).
So that's basically me in a Nutshell.... sort of. I'll add to this as and when I feel like it and have the time!