Monday, 18 April 2011

Sorry for the break

Wow I've neglected this blog a bit haven't I?? Sorry about that.

Not that you've missed anything much. Mum's still sounding like a stuck record, complaining about her sister and mum and how they treat her like a child. Speaking of whom, I have to go and stay with them next weekend for my nan's 80-somethingth birthday. I really don't wanna go :(

My cousin's girlfriend is stressing everybody out right now. She has some sort of mental condition, I'm not sure what, and she was due to go into hospital to sort herself out thekther day, but then she dropped everything and went for some weird exorcism in Zurich, much to the disapproval of my entire family, not to mention my cousin. Yeah, theyre the ones who were annoying me over Christmas because they were making out at the dinner table, and rubbing it into me that I STILL dont have a boyfriend. But mum keeps going on about how sad it is for the two of them, and how difficult everyone must be finding it, blah de bloody blah, and all I wanna do is watch a film or a DVD.

Anyway. We've succesfully moved house and I'm sincerely hoping that my 'brother' comes round soon -- I haven't seen him since his birthday do nearly two months ago and I'm really starting to miss him. I guess this is what it'll be like when I start uni abroad (simply cos the costs of studying here aren't worth it).

Speaking of uni, I think I may have found myself a bassoon teacher... Though still haven't decided if I'm going to learn that or the oboe. I like both. What d'you reckon?? Though I think itll definitely be the bassoon if I don't find an oboe teacher soon!!

Better go -- I'm on my phone and this keyboard is driving me mad at 2 in the morning! Talk soon

1 comment:

  1. Sorry! I completely neglected my blog too oops. Anyway, congrats on coming out to the people you have!! Bassoon or oboe - listen to music of both and choose on gut instinct which you love most. Hope you see your brother! And Don't let it get to you that you don't have a boyfriend, enjoy life and he'll pop up when you least expect it! Hope you coped with the 80th birthday party! x
