I'm so bored of the same routine this time every year. Every year, we celebrate New Year's Eve at friends of my Aunt's somewhere in Germany, and every year I read my friend's Facebook statuses and decide that next year, I'm going to be at someone's New Year party too. Not on my own, the only person between the age of 4 and 38... I can tell you exactly what will happen tomorrow evening... I'll be sat around a table that's too small for the amount of people there will be there, between my Aunt's friend 4-year-old daughter and her 18-month-old daughter and playing the Clown for the two of them. Also present, will be Mum (of course), my Aunt and Uncle (I don't talk to my Uncle unless it's something like "can you pass me the salt, please"...), my Aunt's friend (obviously, since her kids are there) and her husband, who is actually very nice and I would talk to much more, if only I could understand his dialect and accent. No doubt my Aunt's friend's mother will be there (I swear to god, Global Warming wouldn't be half as bad if she stopped talking for minute...) as well as maybe three or four people who I've never met before/met when I was less than a year old and will be expected to make small talk with them.
I feel less awkward making small talk with people than I do going up to the till in Smiths with the latest copy of the Gay Times and asking for a pack of cigarettes to go with them... not that they ever sell them to me, and if they did, they'd lie around hiding in my room until I get stressed out or I'm with the only friend who knows that I sort-of-smoke... and he lives in Germany.
Small talk for me is the absolute torture... and I can't even explain why. It's like Brussels Sprouts, or Broccoli. I hate them with a passion.
But then, I'm left wondering if I'd feel as left out at my friend's New Year's Party as I would at this "celebration" we're having at my Aunt's friend's tomorrow (and probably next year as well, cos I know what I'm like... I'll tag along anyway). I definitely wouldn't if it were just me, my brother, Jack, Ed and maybe some of my friends who went to Frankfurt with me... Inga, Lauren, Gemma. I know I can have fun with them, and enjoy myself. Don't have to make small talk (OK, I
NEVER make small talk with my brother... we just talk and talk and talk. If I'm sleeping round his or if he's at mine, we tend to talk well into the night until one of us just falls asleep

). And they're exactly the sort of people I'd want to start the New Year with... not friends of my family (half of whom I don't know)...
Maybe I'm just over reacting a bit... But I genuinely am sick of the same routine every sodding year.
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