For the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed Christmas this year. No family. No expectations. No schedules. No stress. Just me, my mum, the animals, and the exceptionally poor Christmas TV which graces our screens every year. Although, Doctor Who was, as usual, fantastic and lovely and wonderful and once I finish typing this post, I think I shall go and iPlayer it (again) or go to bed, depending on how much beer I consume between now and then.
I realise that it's been a year since I set up this blog, with a view to posting regularly about the dull proceedings of this game we call life. I think I succeeded in that. Largely. If you ignore the 'regular' part of that statement. I'm planning a 2011 summary post for New Year's Eve, in which I reflect on the depressing (lack of) progress I have made in my love life, social life, educational life............ sex life. And just life in general.
Since my previous post there are two major developments which need pointing out: I have passed my driving test, and my UCAS application has been sent off and processed and I have an offer to study Music at City University London, starting September 2013. Actually, I think that's the only thing that's different about my life in comparison to this time last year. OK, I'm more out than I was at the start of the year, and I have a new phone and a Dinner Suit (including a bow-tie, which is cool. No Top Hat though...).
Since I am (once again) going to be spending New Year with people I don't particularly want to be with, and I'd much rather spend my 18th New Year's Eve getting pissed shitless with my friends, I will spare you all with the inevitable boring rant about how my Aunt dictates when her dogs need to go for a poo, and I will also spare you from the complicated happenings of my cousin's love life (I seem to remember posting last year about how he and his girlfriend were shoving themselves down each others throats during Christmas dinner and me just quietly sitting there wanting to have a boyfriend of my own.... oh how that's changed...). I am grateful for the fact that by the time we do arrive at my Aunt's house in 2 days time that the incontinent Nazi grandmother will not be present. I might actually kill myself if she were.
But that's enough about the rant I was never going to have. Doubtless these shall all be rants that will be posted before the year is out.
Hope you've all had a Merry Christmas, even if I don't actively celebrate it myself, for reasons which constitute a whole new post for itself, and if I don't post before the end of the year, I wish you all a very happy and healthy start to 2012.
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