Monday, 7 February 2011

The Night-before-nerves

OK, so my Head Boy campaign speech thing is tomorrow, and I've just had to blitz a speech. :S I sound really big-headed in it, but I think I get my point across, and having seen who I'm up against, there are only really two other plausible candidates, one of whom is gay too. So there might be a gay Head Boy and a gay Deputy Head boy. Anyway. I'm rambling.

I'm now really really really nervous and kinda shitting myself, but this is the last thing I can do properly before next Tuesday, when the Sixth Form goes to the polls. *eek* That sounded less threatening in my head than it did typed.

I'm used to public speaking and presentations and speeches, but most of them are usually just improvised as and when I make them. They usually go fine. But this means too much to just improvise it all..... maybe that's why I'm so nervous? Because I've prepared it and now think that there are potential pitfalls where I could go wrong.....

Ah, I dunno. I'll sleep on it. Maybe it'll all be fine in the morning. I hope.....

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